Sunday, January 1, 2012

BoA wants to fall in Love?

Last night when I was on twitter I happened to come across her status.

Fans replied to her Twitter posting with encouragement and said, "That might not be easy being so famous, but best of luck! Don't rush it! I'm just gonna try to eat less sugar," "Look outside yr door... There must b a queue by now ... Don't b too picky ... Keke!!!" "Yes! :) go and fall in love with a great guy and find your happiness! All the best for 2012!" and "Sounds like a good resolution to me."

Honestly,I really hope that she does fall in love with a great guy. She has been working hard for 11 years and I think it's about time for her to settle down and start a family. I am not saying that she sould give up singing but I think she should start another chapter in her life and if for her that means falling in love, then she should do it. As an avid BoA fan I support her with her decision.