Monday, December 19, 2011

SNSD sings "The Boys" Japanese version

For the first time SNSD sings the Japanese version of "The Boys" for the first time. For some fans this can be seen as a early Christmas present.On December 19th, SNSD delivered a special performance for Fuji TV‘s ‘Hey Hey Hey X-mas Special‘.

I'm not really feeling this version, I mean I'm always that way when stars make a different version (in another language) when it was a hit in Korean. I'm American and I don't even like the English version of most songs, you think I would be happy because I can sing along but no I hate it because some things don't translate right in other language. Take The Boys English version, that song makes no sense, it just didn't translate right into English but in Korean that song could dominate the world. Even the Japanese version doesn't make any sense to me. It seemed that things were added in and I feel that if I look up the lyrics they won't make any sense. But that's just me, for all I know you guys could love this song.