This blog is about anything and everything. I will be working on doing a lot of reviews in the future and also this blog gives me a very nice outlet for my love for kpop so that will be in there very often. Always open to ideas on improving the blog.
Monday, November 14, 2011
K-Pop Masters Event November 25-26
This month in Las Vegas there is going to be a K-pop event known as K-Pop Masters. Sadly, I wont be able to go, due to the fact I dont live in Nevada, and the fact that I have classes that day and either way I wont be able to make it, but if you go to AKPF (American K-Pop Fans) website and facebook then you will be able to get live coverage, At the end of each day I will try to get everything into one post, so on those days I will be working on one post, it will include times, videos and of course pictures that will be provided through youtube, facebook, and other various places, so please on those days be patient and I really wish that I could go so I can give you guys live coverage and possible interviews, maybe another year I will be able to do that.
Here is the lineup of both days, there isnt really a difference, but one day has SHINee and the other doesnt.
To those of you who are going, dont be afraid to send me pictures of the event that you would like to share.
**Mother Hen Mode**
Make sure that you pack your underwear, the cord to your digital camera with extra memory stick, and if your camera takes batteries make sure you have lots of those, dont forget a jacket it might be cold, dont travel by your self at night, use the BUDDY SYSTEM and dont talk to strangers (STRANGER DANGER), I want you guys to return back home in one piece, if you are old enough to drink, dont drink so much that you get lost and if you are drinking in a group make sure that for a group over 4 have more than on DD, that way it wont be just one person hurding everyone.....ummmmm what else dont forget your toothbrush and if you are packing and you think you might need it, TAKE IT, that mistake happens all the time to me, especially when I went to NY and didnt bring my straightener.
Anyway have fun and make sure that if you are following a bias to their hotel, stay warm , I dont want you guys to get a cold. :)