Here is todays (yesterday in Korea) Music Bank performances. Since I didnt post the M! Countdown videos like I was supposed to yesterday, I'm gonna tell you the winner. Despite Girl's Generation winning all the past stages, the Wonder Girls took home the trophy (well not really because when they got it, it fell on the ground and broke so they lost the trohpy).
Well here it is folks the performances.
SNSD- The Boys
LeeSeung Gi- Like A Friend
Wonder Girls- Be My Baby
Tim Comeback Stage- A Long Day
T-ara Comeback Stage- Cry Cry
Kim Jo Han- I Want To Fall In Love
SECRET- Love is Move
Noel- I Miss You
NORAZO- Sales King
Brown Eyed Girls Goodbye Stage- Cleansing Cream & Sixth Sense
Seo In Young Comeback Stage- Oh My Gosh & What A Joke
Electoboyz ft. Hyorin (Sistar)- Ma Boy 2
Son Ho Young- Pretty/ Ugly
A-ble Comeback Stage- I Love You
B1A4- My Love
Double A (AA)- Because I'm Crazy
Beige- You Can't Talk Sense To Him
D-NA/The Boss- Lady
WE- Sad Song
N-Sonic- Super Boy
Rania Comeback Stage- Pop Pop Pop