It seems that I havent been on my blog in a long while.
This year has been a really weird year for me, I guess you can say.
I graduated High School.
You would think that I would be glad of that little fact.
But it seems that most of my high school friendships just flew off the end of the world once we all graduated and went our separate ways.
I'm kind of glad for that fact but then again, it leaves me to think of things that I should have done and things that if done differently would have changed a lot of things.
But then going to college has taught me a lot of things too.
Like people in my residence hall plays loud music to attempt to cover the sound of sex, it fails because we all know whats going on.
And that in college there are more people that enjoy the same things that you do.
I also havent been blogging because I didnt know what the website to mine was, weird and dumb right, well I finally figured it out and found and had to reset my password.
So know im back and everything.
Since Im back you should know that I will be doing album reviews, movie reviews, video game reviews, and anything else I feel like reviewing and I shall be sharing some of my kpop love. ;)