Sunday, January 29, 2012


As you guys can see I have done some maintenence on the blog today.
New Things added:
-New background/layout
-Introducing the Forum
-The forum is for you guys to talk to each other and to ask me questions if you have them. Sad thing is I only understand English, even if your English isn't the best as long as I have a general idea of what you are trying to say I will try my best to reply back to you.
-My Favorite Links
-This page has all my favorite links. They include places that I get my news and also read, you can see it also includes links to places where I watch my asian dramas as well as links to where I buy my k-pop things.

I hope that you guys will enjoy this, because I did work hard on this for you.

And also, some of you may have noticed that in the last blog layout that I had, the videos seemed to be cut off on the right side, in this layout that is now fixed seeing as I can adjust the width of the columns on this blog.

As I said before I hope that you guys enjoy this and when you go to My favorite Links, don't be afraid to add me on Facebook or follow me on twitter. (^.^)