Monday, November 28, 2011

IU's new album

So IU's new album just came out today, and I just got it and I have to say that it is actually very good. I am always jealous of her because her and I are the same age (Though she's a month older than me because her birthday is in March while mine is in April) and she has my ideal job. I have always wanted to become a singer (but I dont see that happening since when I do sing i'll get to a certain note or loudness and everything just sounds horrible and if the chance I do become famous I would rather do it in the Korean industry because they train harder to become great and in the US people just get discovered and get a record deal and everything, I would rather debut when I'm at my best vocally and dance wise.)

Well enough of my rambling, I hope IU success with this album but according to some articles that I read an hour ago she has already achieved an "all-kill" with this album, I can't wait for her comeback stage. I believe that it should be on December 2nd.