Saturday, November 19, 2011

Zico and Jaehyo digging for Golden Nuggets

Block B's Zico telling why his nose was looking swollen that day.

Younha: Zico, it looks like your nose has gotten bigger.
Zico: I was actually picking my nose yesterday and I guess it got swollen from that. For some reason, my nose swells whenever I pick it.
Younha: Not because you were treating your blackheads?
Zico: Nah, boogers. Staying in the studio for a long time, things get stuck up in there. Normally I'll pick my nose with Jaehyo hyung before we move to our next schedule.
Jaehyo: Why are you bringing me into this!
Zico: Are you denying this?
Jaehyo: ...No.

I laughed so hard when I read this. In my mind I was imagining them standing outside of the studio just going to town picking their noses. LOL.